
Ask any childWhat do you want to be when you grow up?” Probablyyoull get 41  an­- swers. When you look into their eyes, you see the 42 when they talk of their dreams. Their eyes are wide and they talk about them as if there is no 43 in their mind that dreams are going to come true.

What happened to your dreams? Are you 44 your dreams? I think as we grow older, our dreams may 45 . Circumstances set in and change the 46 we look at life. The 47 child has matured into       an adult and his dreams  have also  matured 48 him.

I always wanted to be a 49 player. But life’s circumstances changed all that and my dream to be a professional baseball player disappeared. 50 I showed my friends what my childhood dream always was, they looked       at me a little funny, and say……really?       They have that       51 look on their face. Have you ever had that      52    you?

There are lots  of dreamers, 53 Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison and Charles Babbage,

etc. What do all these men have 54       ? They dared to dream whatever others say. They took the scornful (鄙视的)looks, the laughs and the finger 55, and these didn’t 56 them from the outlook they had. They weren’ t thrown off 57 by them.

Only 3%  of the world’s population are dreamers. The other 97% live in the 58 .Don’t let

the boxers yell their 59 talk at you. Don ‘t let them knock you off the road       you are traveling.

Stay on the course, 60    the line, and always       continue moving forward toward  your dreams.

41. A. proper           B. puzzling          C. different            D. challenging

42. A. excitement        B temptation        C astonishment          D satisfaction

43 .A. point             B good            C wonder               D doubt

44. A. possessing        B living            C imagining            D developing

45. A. quit               B change            C arise                D disappear

46 A way              B method            C manner               D means

47. A. well-dressed      B good-looking       C poorly-educated         D wide-eyed

48. A. across           B through           C with                D on

49. A. baseball          B. basketball        C. football              D. volleyball

50. A In case            B Even if            C As                   D For

5! A doubtful            B interested         C frightened              D regretful

52. A. appeal to           B happen to         C tend to                D lead to

53. A. above all           B in addition        C in particular            D such as

54 A in danger          B in common             C in need               D in trouble

55 A pointing            B cu ting             C polishing             D repairing

56 A escape             B protect            C prevent               D save

57 A field              B track            C ladder                 D bed

58 A bag               B basket                 C house                 D box

59. A. objective           B encouraging        C negative              D positive

60. A share              B communicate      C put                  D hold





   In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in lifea woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory   36   course about 20 years ago

The professor   37  the lecture hallplaced upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans()and invited the students to   38  how many beans the jar containedAfter  39     shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thindry smileannounced the  40   answer, and went on saying“You have just   4l   an important lesson about scienceThat isNever    42    your own senses”

Twenty years laterthe   43   could guess what the professor had in mindHe   44     himselfperhapsas inviting his students to start an exciting   45   into all unknown world invisible(无形的)to the   46  which can be discovered only through scientific   47  But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even    48   the invitationShe was just    49   to understand the worldAnd she   50   that her firsthand experience could be the   51  The professor, howeversaid that it was  52    . He was taking away her only   53   for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代). “I remember feeling small and    54  ” the  woman says“and I did the only thing I could doI  55    the course that afternoonand I haven’t gone near science since”   

36A. art               B. history             C. science           D. math

37A. searched for       B. looked at                   C. got through       D. marched into

38A. count            B. guess               C. report            D. watch

39A. warning          B. giving              C. turning away       D. 1istening to

40A. ready            B. possible             C. correct           D. difficult

41A. 1earned          B. prepared            C. taught             D. taken

42A. lose             B. trust                C. sharpen           D. show

43.  A. 1ecturer          B. scientist             C. speaker           D. woman

44.  A. described         B. respected            C. saw              D. served

45.  A. voyage           B. movement           C. change           D. rush

46.  A. professor         B. eye                 C. knowledge        D. light

47.  A. model            B. senses              C. spirit             D. methods

48.  A. hear             B. make               C. present            D. refuse

49.  A. suggesting        B. beginning           C. pretending         D. waiting

50.  A. believed          B. doubted            C. proved            D. explained  

51.  A. growth           B. strength            C. faith              D. truth

52.  A. firm             B. interesting          C. wrong             D. acceptable

53.  A. task             B. tool               C. success             D. connection

54.  A. cruel            B. proud              C. frightened          D. brave

55.  A. dropped         B. started              C. passed             D. missed



The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must   36   sixty hours of service learning,   37   they will not receive a diploma. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community.    38    of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student.    39   a service experience, students must keep a journal日志and then write a   40   about what they have learned.

Supporters claim that there are many   41    of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think   42   their own interests and become   43   of the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that   44    responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team.   45  , students can explore possible careers   46   service learning.

For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.  47   there are many benefits, opponents 反对者   48   problems with the new requirement. First, they   49   that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend   50   time studying the core subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without   51   goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away an individual's freedom to choose.

In my view, service learning is a great way to   52   to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers.   53   , I don' t believe you should force people to help others – the  54   to help must come from the heart. I think the best   55    is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility, and as young adults, we must learn to handle both wisely.

36. A. spend                        B. gain                  C .complete                  D. save

37. A. and                            B. or                     C. but                          D. for

38. A. Subjects                     B. ideas                 C. Procedures               D. Examples

39. A. With                          B. Before               C . During                    D. After

40. A. diary                          B, report                C . note                        D. notice

41. A. courses                      B. benefits             C . challenges               D. features

42. A. beyond                      B. about                C. over                         D. in

43. A. careful                       B. proud                C. tired                         D. aware

44. A. possess                      B. apply                 C. include                     D. develop

45. A. Gradually                   B. Finally        C . Luckily                   D. Hopefully

46. A. through                      B. across               C. of                            D. on

47. A. So                             B. Thus                 C . Since                      D. While

48. A. deal with                    B. look into            C . point out                 D. take down

49. A. argue                         B. doubt                C . overlook                  D. admit

50. A. much                         B. full                    C . less                         D. more

51. A. cost                           B. pay                   C. care                         D. praise

52. A. contribute                  B. appeal               C. attend                      D. belong

53. A. Therefore                   B. Otherwise          C. Besides                    D. However

54. A. courage                            B. desire                C. emotion                    D. spirit

55. A. decision                            B. purpose             C. solution                    D. result




完形填空 (20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)


In some cities, workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so common that people don’t consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as    36   . Government workers in Washington, D. C.,   37   , frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to; they do it because they    38    to. Workaholism can be a     39    problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they    40    have no idea of how to relax; that is, they might not    41    movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they    42    to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful, and this tension and worry can cause   43    problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases.    44   , typical workaholics don’t pay much attention to their families. Their marriages may end in    45    as they spend little time with their families.

Is workaholism    46    dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work    47     under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work. They feel    48    is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing. Their jobs    49    them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative.

   50    do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several    51    to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers    52    financial security. It provides people with self-confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction   53    they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I    54    it”. Psychologists claim that their work gives people an identity. After they take part in work, they    55    a sense of self and individualism.

36Astrange         Bboring                   Cpleasant                      Dnormal

37Afor example   Bon the other hand       Cwhat’s more        Dafter all

38Aagree            Bpromise                Cdare                          Dwant

39Aslight             Bserious                 Cobvious              Ddifficult

40Astill                 Bprobably                      Ccertainly                      Dmostly

41Aafford            Benjoy                    Cwatch                   Dallow

42Adream           Bdecide                   Cintend                   Dhate

43Aphysical               Bcultural                 Csocial                   Dmental

44ATherefore     BHowever                      CAnyway                DBesides

45Ahappiness     Bsilence                  Cfailure                   Dloss

46Asometimes    Balways                  Cseldom                 Dhardly

47Asadly             Bdifferently             Cefficiently              Dslowly

48Astudy             Bfamily                    Clife                        Dwork

49Aequip            Bpack                     Cprovide                 Dfill

50AWhen            BWhy                      CHow                      DWhere

51Afactors          Badvantages          Csteps                    Dways

52Ano more               Bmore or less          Cno more than             Dmore than

53Awhen             Bbefore                  Cunless                  Duntil

54Avalued           Bfailed                    Ccaught                  Dmade

55Agive                      Blose                          Cget                       Dneed


Japanese high school students do not drive cars Many of them either walk  36  ride bicycles if the distance is not too great In other  37 , a lot of students have to  38   public buses and trains, often changing lines several times in order to reach their  39 It is common for some students to 40 two or more hours each day on  41  transportation After junior high school, students attend schools based  42  standardized high school entrance examination scores As a result, some students travel a great distance to  43   the school The school day begins at 8:30, so students may leave home  44  6:30 While some students sleep or study during their long travel, public transportation also  45  a chance for socializing with peers (同龄人). Students  46  to school are regulated by school policies These policies may prohibit  47  activities in public — chewing gum, consuming snacks,  48  books while walking — anything that might reflect  49  on the reputation of the school Each school has a unique  50  that makes its students easily identifiable to  51 School policies often require students to  52   on buses and trains,  53  seats open for other passengers in order to show thoughtfulness towards others In practice, 54 , students tend to relax  55  they move farther away from school

36A but           B or            C and          D nor

37A cases         B schools        C areas           D countries

38A go           B have          C take          D get

39A homes        B destinations    C companies     D classrooms

40A take          B cost            C spend          D have

41A public          B private        C school          D government

42A in            B at            C on           D to

43A go            B leave         C attend          D pass

44A as early as     B as late as      C as hurry as     D as long as

45A gives         B offers          C sends         D takes

46A on the way    B in the way       C by the way      D at the way

47A sure          B certain             C special             D probable

48A carrying           B taking           C holding           D reading

49A worse            B well             C badly            D truly

50A uniform        B hairstyle         C schoolbag        D playground

51A the teachers                                    B the students     C the public   D the adults

52A silence          B sit                 C seat             D stand

53A having        B getting            C putting           D leaving

54A however         B but              C even             D still

55A which          B as                                            C that              D so


Through my school years I never imagined of falling in love. I wanted to stay __1__ just from watching my friends get mistreated(虐待)by their boyfriends all the time. On my junior year, I was just ___2__ 17 and my best friend decides to set me __3__ with a stranger I have never known. I was really lucky to even make it to the place because my parents were so strict __4__ me at the time. So we meet and not even __5__ to say. I wasn't too excited, I was totally nervous. At the time I knew there was __6___ in him I liked. I couldn't understand that __7__ inside telling me he was the one.

My senior year after school ended. He had to leave to the Marines and I __8__ go to Ohio. We both had decided to __9__ our relationship because we didn't think it work from far distance. It was all over. On my 20 birthday there was__10__ on the mail for me. The letter came from a Marine base with his name on it. It had __11__ him a long time to find me and he did. After that day he promised he__12__ let me go again.

   Today he's my__13___, my best friend, and my hero. Within a million's miles away from me, he has kept his__14___. I love him with all my heart and I'm here  waiting. He has deployed(部署,配置) overseas for 8 months and we only _15__by e-mail and sometimes calls on the weekends. Today and every up coming day I wake up with a smile just waiting for him to come back home safe.

1. A.alone             B. single                   C. lonely                  D.pure

2. A. attending       B. accepting             C. turning                 D. receiving

3. A. up                B. down                   C. off                       D. on

4. A. on                B. at                        C. with                     D. to

5.A.a talk              B. a word                C. many talks           D. many words

6. A. everything     B. anything               C. nothing               D. something

7. A. thought         B. feeling                  C. mood                  D. idea

8. A. should          B. might                   C. had to                 D. used to 

9. A. end               B. start                     C.remember             D. forget

10. A.a man          B. a letter                 C. news                  D. word

11. A. taken          B. brought                C. spent                   D. paid

12. A. seldom       B. always                 C. never                   D. ever 

13. A. workmate   B. neighbor              C.boyfriend              D. husband

14. A. secret         B. promise       C. way                     D. hobby

15. A. talk      B. meet                    C. see                      D. communicate


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