
    When a big exam is coming up, you probably feel anxious about any wasted time and want to begin school as soon as you probably can.

But tens of thousands of British high school students will soon be getting up later. They’re taking part in a new experiment by Oxford University to see if later classes can improve their exam results.

Grades 10 students in the UK have to take the nationwide General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. They have to pass these exams in order to study more advanced courses, and later apply for universities.

The Oxford University project means that GCSE students from more than 100 schools across England will start school at 10 am, more than one hour later than the current start time (8:50 am).

The project is based on scientific evidence that teenagers are “out of sync(同步)” with traditional school hours, the Telegraph reported. And what they need is more sleep in the morning.

“We know that something funny happens when you’re a teenager, in that you seem to be out of sync with the world,” said professor Colin Epsie, who is leading the study. “Your parents think it’s because you are lazy and opinionated(固执己见的)and everything will be OK if you could get to sleep earlier. But science is telling us that teenagers need to sleep more in the mornings.”

Everyone follows a natural cycle of sleep and wakefulness. Biology has decided that teenagers go to sleep around midnight and don’t feel fully awake until 9-10 am, according to scientists. That’s two hours later than adults. And their body clocks stay like this until the age of around 21 for males, and 19 for females.

“Society provides school for learning, but the brain provides sleep. So we are exploring the possibility that if you delay the schools start time until 10 am, that will improve learning performance,” said Epsie.

The results could be positive, based on previous studies.

An early study at the UK’s Monkseaton High School in 2009 found that starting an hour later improved grades in core subjects by 19 percent.

The Oxford project is expecting to publish the results in 2018. It’s time to wait and see whether scientists will give us an excuse to get up late.

1According to the article, students who take part in the Oxford University project_______.

Awill start school one hour earlier

Bwill be guaranteed more sleeping time in the morning

Cwill perform better academically than those who don’t participate

Dwill no longer have to take GCSE exams

2We can infer from the article that ________ .

Achildren and adults have different natural cycles of sleep and wakefulness

Bgetting up late is a sign of laziness in the eyes of most British parents

Cthe Oxford University project is targeted at all British high schools

Dthere is still no scientific evidence that supports a late school start time

3What is the author’s attitude toward the Oxford University project ?

ACritical                                                     BUninterested

COptimistic                                                 DDoubtful

4What’s the best title of the article ?

AIt’s never too late to learn                           BAn excuse to get up late

CThe later you get up, the better you’ll learn   DWake up late to excel








1.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The Oxford University project means that GCSE students from more than 100 schools across England will start school at 10 am, more than one hour later than the current start time (8:50 am).(牛津大学项目意味着来自英国100多所学校的GCSE学生将在上午10点上学,比现在的上学时间,也就是上午8:50,晚一个多小时。)可知,牛津大学项目就是让学生晚一个多小时上学,也就意味着学生在早上有更多的睡眠时间。故选B项。

2.推理判断题。根据第七段中的“Biology has decided that teenagers go to sleep around midnight and don’t feel fully awake until 9-10 am, according to scientists. That’s two hours later than adults.(据科学家称,生物学已经决定,青少年在午夜左右入睡,直到上午9点到10点才感到完全清醒。比成年人晚两个小时。)可以推理出,青少年和成年人的睡眠和醒来的时间循环是不同的,故选A项。

3.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“The results could be positive, based on previous studies.(根据先前的研究,结果可能是积极的。)中的“positive(积极的)可以推理出,作者是对牛津大学的项目持乐观的态度。故选C项。

4.主旨大意题。文章主要讲了牛津大学的项目:让孩子上学时间推迟一个多小时。结果表明对于成绩的提高很有帮助。再根据倒数第二段“An early study at the UK’s Monkseaton High School in 2009 found that starting an hour later improved grades in core subjects by 19 percent.2009年,英国蒙克塞顿高中的一项早期研究发现,推迟一小时,核心科目的成绩提高了19%。)以及作者的积极态度都表明早上晚起一会儿去上学会提高成绩。DWake up late to excel(晚起会胜过平时)符合文章大意,可作最佳标题。故选D项。



(1) 要在阅读原文基础上,仔细考虑选项是否与文章主题有密切联系;

(2) 再看选项对文章的概括性或覆盖面如何;

(3) 要注意题目是否过大或者过小;

(4) 要避免下列三种错误:概括不够(多表现为部分代整体,导致范围过小)、过度概括(多表现为扩大范围)、以事实、细节代替抽象概括的大意。

如第4小题,选择最佳标题,需要判断文章的主旨大意。文章主要讲了牛津大学的项目:让孩子上学时间推迟一个多小时。结果表明对于成绩的提高很有帮助。再根据倒数第二段中关于2009年英国蒙克塞顿高中的一项早期研究的结果:推迟一小时,核心科目的成绩提高了19%以及作者的积极态度都表明早上晚起一会儿去上学会提高成绩。DWake up late to excel(晚起会胜过平时)符合文章大意,与文章主题有密切联系,故选D项。


    Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts. The microorganisms(微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station, so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week. How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem? It’s turning to a bunch of high school kids. But not just any kids. It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms, like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport, New York.

HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers. For the past two years, Gordon’s students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity, and they think they’re close to a solution(解决方案). “We don’t give the students any breaks. They have to do it just like NASA engineers,” says Florence Gold, a project manager.

“There are no tests,” Gordon says. “There is no graded homework. There almost are no grades, other than ‘Are you working towards your goal?’ Basically, it’s ‘I’ve got to produce this product and then, at the end of year, present it to NASA.’ Engineers come and really do an in-person review, and...it’s not a very nice thing at times. It’s a hard business review of your product.”

Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact(影响) on college admissions and practical life skills. “These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don’t teach.” And that annoying bacteria? Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem, readying a workable solution to test in space.

117What do we know about the bacteria in the International Space Station?

AThey are hard to get rid of.                          BThey lead to air pollution.

CThey appear in different forms.                   DThey damage the instruments.

118What is the purpose of the HUNCH program?

ATo strengthen teacher-student relationships.

BTo sharpen students’ communication skills.

CTo allow students to experience zero gravity.

DTo link space technology with school education.

119What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the program?

ACheck their product.                                  BGuide project designs.

CAdjust work schedules.                               DGrade their homework.

120What is the best title for the text?

ANASA: The Home of Astronauts

BSpace: The Final Homework Frontier

CNature: An Outdoor Classroom

DHUNCH: A College Admission Reform


    For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative.

“It’s no secret that China has always been a source(来源) of inspiration for designers,” says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks, a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚) shows.

Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学) on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries. The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.

“China is impossible to overlook,” says Hill. “Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement.” Of course, not only are today’s top Western designers being influenced by China—some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese. “Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galliano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs—and beating them hands down in design and sales,” adds Hill.

For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. “The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers,” she says. “China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market. If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China—its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways.”

121What can we learn about the exhibition in New York?

AIt promoted the sales of artworks.                BIt attracted a large number of visitors.

CIt showed ancient Chinese clothes.               DIt aimed to introduce Chinese models.

122What does Hill say about Chinese women?

AThey are setting the fashion.                        BThey start many fashion campaigns.

CThey admire super models.                         DThey do business all over the world.

123What do the underlined words “taking on” in paragraph 4 mean?

Alearning from         Blooking down on     Cworking with          Dcompeting against

124What can be a suitable title for the text?

AYoung Models Selling Dreams to the World

BA Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New York

CDifferences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics

DChinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends


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