阅读理解 单元测试

    In the atmosphere carbon dioxide acts rather like a one-way mirror the glass in the roof of a greenhouse which allows the sun's rays to enter but prevents the heat from escaping.

According to a weather expert's prediction the atmosphere wilbe3C warmer in the year 2050thanitis today if man continues to burn fuels at the present rate.If this warming up took place the icecaps in the poles would begin to melt thus raising sea level several meters and severely flooding coastal cities.Also the increase in atmospheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of the northern hemisphere(半球) possibly resulting in an alteration of the earth's chief food-growing zones.

In the past concern about a man-made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thicker ice sheet.But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic which maybe affected by only a few degrees of warmingin other words by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning of fuels.

Satellite pictures show that large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing.The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place.This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.

However most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere where temperatures seem to be falling Scientists concludethereforethat up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man.The question isWhich natural cause has most effect on the weather?

One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.Astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and“cold”spots(that is the relatively less hot spots) on the sun.As the sun rotates(旋转) every 27.5 days it presents hotter or“colder”faces to the earth and different aspects to different parts of the earth.This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth's atmospheric pressure and consequently on wind circulation.The sun is also variable over along termits heat output goes up and down in cycles the latest trend being downward.

Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar-weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years including the last Ice Age.The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not.One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia(惯性) of the earth's climate.If this is rightthe warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the sun's diminishing(减少) heat.

1Why is the fuel consumption greater in then or them hemisphere but temperatures there seem to be falling?

AMainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are rising.

BPossibly because the output of solar energy varies.

CBecause the inertia of the earth's climate take effect.

DPossibly because the icecaps in the poles are melting

2On the basis of their models scientists are of the opinion that

Athe climate of the world should be becoming cooler

Bthe new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effect

Cthe man-made warming effect helps to increase the solar effects

Dit will take thousands of years for the inertia of the earth's climate to take effect

3If the assumption about the delay of a new Ice Age is correct     .

Athe best way to overcome the cooling effect would be to burn more fuels

Bice would soon cover the northern hemisphere

Cthe increased levels of carbon dioxide would warm up the earth quickly

Dthe greenhouse effect could work to the advantage of the earth

4The purpose of the article is to explain     .

Athe greenhouse effect

Bthe solar effects on the earth

Cthe models of solar-weather interactions

Dthe causes affecting weather

知识点:阅读理解 单元测试







1细节理解题。根据第五段的Scientists concludethereforethat up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man.(因此,科学家得出结论,到目前为止,自然对天气的影响已经超过了人为的影响)可知,自然对天气的影响超过了人类对天气的影响;再根据第六段的One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.(一种可能性是太阳的变化行为),表明一种自然因素的可能性是太阳的可变行为,即太阳能量释放的不同。综上可知北半球的燃料消耗更大,但那里的温度似乎在下降的原因是太阳能的输出是变化的。故选B

2推理判断题。定位到最后一段第二句The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not(问题是,这些模型预测世界将进入一个新的冰河世纪,而事实并非如此)可以推测科学家认为地球气候应变冷,而进入新的冰河时期。也就是说根据他们的模型,科学家们认为世界的气候应该变得更冷,故选A

3推理判断题。定位到最后一段最后一句If this is rightthe warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the sun's diminishing(减少) heat.(如果这是正确的,那么二氧化碳的变暖效应可能会对太阳热量的减少起到有效的平衡作用)可知,如果新的冰河时期推迟的假设正确,那么二氧化碳的变暖效应可能会作为一种有用的平衡来对抗太阳的热量衰减,也就是温室效应会对地球有利,故选D

4推理判断题。通读全文以及第五段的Which natural cause has most effect on the weather?(哪一种自然因素对天气影响最大?)这句关键句可知,本文介绍了二氧化碳对全球气候的影响和太阳能量的输出活动对气候的影响,分析全球变暖的真正原因,故全文的写作主旨一直在探讨全球变暖的原因, 故选D

阅读理解 单元测试

“Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, realistic (现实的) and easy to deal with

It is a pleasure to find someone who is down-to-earthA person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and accepts other people as equalsA down-to-earth person is just the opposite of someone who acts importantly and proudly

Down-to-earth person may be important members of society, of courseBut they do not let their importance “go to their heads”They do not consider themselves to be better persons than others of less importanceSomeone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is said to have “his nose in the air”There is no way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth

Americans use another expression that means almost the same as “down-to-earth”It is “both-feet-on-the-ground”Someone with “both-feet-on-the-ground” is a person with a good understanding of realityHe has what is called “common sense”He may have dreams, but he does not allow them to block his knowledge of what is real

The opposite kind of person is one who has his “head-in-the-clouds”A man with his “head-in-the-clouds” is a dreamer whose mind is not in the real world

Sometimes, such a dreamer can be brought back to earthSharp words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student down-to-earth

Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very likely to have our both-feet-on-the-groundWhen we have our both-feet-on-the-ground, when we are down-to-earth, we act honestly and openly towards othersOur lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong

1“But they do not let their importance ‘go to their heads’” means that _____

Athey are important but they do not want to be important

Bthey do not show out that they are much better than others

Cthey think others are less important but they do not look down upon them

Dthey have a calm mind and are not proud of their importance

2After reading this passage, what do you think a person with both-feet-on-the-ground is like?

AHe/She is a person who is honest, modest, realistic and easy to go with

BHe/She is a person who is kind to others and never looks down upon them

CHe/She is a person who thinks they themselves are less important than others

DHe/She is a person who never thinks they themselves are a lot better tan others

3“Common sense” here means _____

Areal sense without dreaming

Bthe sense of correct understanding and judging

Cnot special senses, but common

Dthe senses of ordinary people

4If you want to be a person who is down-to-earth, you’d better _____

Alisten to your teacher’s sharp words often

Bact importantly and proudly

Cact honestly and openly towards others

Ddo more important things

知识点:阅读理解 单元测试

Anthrax (炭疽) is a naturally occurring disease of plant-eating animals caused by the anthrax bacillus (杆菌)It is an illness which has been recognized since ancient timesAnthrax was common essentially in all areas where livestock (=animals kept on a farm, such as sheep and cattle) are raisedIntensive livestock immunization (免疫) programs have greatly reduced the occurrence of the disease among both animals and humans in much of the worldHowever, outbreaks occurred during the mid-1990’s in Haiti and the former Soviet Union

Anthrax bacteria are named for the Greek word for coal-anthrax, because they cause coal-black injury when they infect the skinAnthrax spores (孢子) can remain viable for several decades (a period of ten years) under suitable environmental conditions; thus, absence of cases does not equate to absence of riskHumans can contract (=to get to have an illness) anthrax in three ways: through cuts or breaks in the skin resulting from contact with an infected animal, from breathing anthrax sores or eating infected meat

One day in September, 2001, a 7-month-old son off an ABC producer in Manhattan spent time at the network officesHe developed a rash, and was hospitalized with an unknown illness soon after the visitHe was later diagnosed (诊断) anthraxThis was the beginning of the anthrax scare (=a sudden feeling of fear) created by terrorists  throughout the USA and the rest of the world

1Where does anthrax come from?

AHuman beings                                  BWild animals

CAnimals fed on plants                            DThe ABC producer

2What does the underlined word “viable” mean?

ABeing able to be seen                             BDead

CBeing of great value                              DAlive

3What will happen if livestock receive the immunization against anthrax?

AThere will be no anthrax disease in the world

BThe occurrence of anthrax can be reduced among both animals and humans

CAnthrax can be prevented from occurring among animals

DAnthrax can be prevented from spreading among humans

4We can infer from the passage that _____

Athe international terrorists might have scared the baby on purpose

Bpeople will never suffer from anthrax if they don’t eat the infected meat

Cthe son of an ABC producer might have touched some infected meat

Dthe son of an ABC producer might have breathed the anthrax spores

知识点:阅读理解 单元测试

If women are mercilessly exploited (利用) year after year, they have only themselves to blameBecause they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big storesClothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashionWhen you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear

Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of wasteMany women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been wornWomen who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they haveSkirts are lengthened or shortened; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and son on

No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to societyFashion designers are rarely concerned with the most important things like warmth, comfort and durabilityThey are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look rightThere can hardly be a man who hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes

When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obviousDo the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designerDo their unchanging styles of dress show basic qualities of stability (稳定) and reliability (可靠)? That is for you to decide

1Designers and big stores always make money _____

Aby mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry

Bbecause they are capable of predicting new fashions

Cby constantly changing the fashions in women’s clothing

Dbecause they attach great importance to quality in women’s clothing

2According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

ANew fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women

BThe constant changes in women’s clothing reflect their strength of character

CThe fashion industry makes an important contribution to society

DFashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women

3By saying “the conclusions to be drawn are obvious” (Paragraph4), the writer means that _____

Awomen’s inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at

Bwomen are better able to put up with discomfort

Cmen are also exploited greatly by fashion designers

Dmen are more reasonable in the matter of fashion

知识点:阅读理解 单元测试

They say a cat has nine lives, and I think that possible since I am now living my third life and I’m not even a catMy father died when I was 15, and we had a hard struggle to make a livingAnd my mother, who was seriously ill in her last years, died while still in her 60sMy sister married soon after, and I followed her example within the year

This was when I began to enjoy my first lifeI was very happy, in excellent healthI had a good job in San Jose and a beautiful home up the peninsula (半岛) in San CarlosLife was a pleasant dreamThen the dream endedI became afflicted (使苦恼) with a slowly progressive disease of the motor nerves, affecting first my right arm and leg, and then my other sideThus began my second life…

In spite of my disease I still drove to and from work each day, with the aid of special equipment installed in my carAnd I managed to keep my health and optimism (乐观), to a degree, because of 14 stepsCrazy? Not at allOur home was an affair with 14 steps leading up from the garage to the kitchen doorThose steps were a standard measure of lifeThey were my yardstick, my challenge to continue livingI felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up one step and then drag the other painfully after it ---repeating the process 14 times, I would be through---I could then admit defeat and lie down and die

Then on a dark night in August, 1971, I began my third lifeIt was raining when I started home that night; strong winds and slashing rain beat down on the car as I drove slowly down one of the less-traveled roadsSuddenly the steering wheel jerked (猝然一动)In the same instant I heard the bang of a blowoutIt was impossible for me to change that tire! Utterly impossible!

I started the engine and thumped slowly along, keeping well over on the shoulder until I came to the dirt road, where I turned in and where I found lighted windows welcomed me to a house and pulled into the driveway and honked the horn

The door opened and a little girl stood thereWhen she knew what happened to me, she went into the house and a moment later came out, followed by a man who called a cheerful greetingI sat there comfortable and dry, and felt a bit sorry for the man and the little girl working so hard in the storm

About an hour later, the man’s voice was heard, “This is a bad night for car trouble, but you’re all set now” “Thanks,” I said“How much do I owe you?” He shook his head, “NothingCynthia told me you were a crippleGlad to be of helpI know you’d do the same for meThere’s no charge, friend” I held out a five-dollar bill, “No! I like to pay my way” He made no effort to take it and the little girl stepped closer to the window and said quietly, “Grandpa can’t see it

1“A cat has nine lives” here means ___________

Aa cat can live nine times longer than any other animal

Ba cat can die ninth

Ca lucky man can not die easily

Dthe writer will live nine times

2What do you think of the man who helped change the tire?

AWarm-hearted but pitiable

BWarm-hearted and happy

CA blind old man that has nothing to do every day

DA poor old man that is always ready to help others

3How will the story be ended?

AThe writer paid the little girl but the old man did not accept

BThe writer drove away with tears running down his cheek

CThe writer stayed there, without knowing what to do and how to do

DIn the next few frozen seconds the writer felt the shame and astonishment he had never felt before

4How do you understand the underlined sentence “I followed my sister’s example?”

AHe listened to his sister carefully

BMother told him that he must get the agreement from his sister for whatever he would do

CHis sister got marriedHe, too

DHis sister was a great woman..He must learn from her

5The best title for this passage perhaps will be _____

AThe Old Man and His Daughter                    BHeart Leaping Up

CNever Lose Heart                                        DGood Will Be Rewarded Good

知识点:阅读理解 单元测试

Restaurant Assistant manager

Waiting staff Telephonist

The ideal persons must have certain experience gained in a high quality hotelPlease call personnel on 071-722-77333, or send your CV (履历) to :

Regents Park Hilton, Lodge Road,




The biggest and busiest restaurant in London is seeking additional stars for its team of devoted professionalsIf you have experience in high volume restaurants and are looking for a challenge, then come on down for an interviewInterview day is on Friday, 26th MAY from 12 noon to 7 pm

Planet Hollywood is located at 13 Coventry Street, London, WI


Busy chartered lawyers require experienced/efficient secretary, accounts, typing experience and an excellent telephone manner; essential shorthand useful

Please send CV to: Box No9246 o/o evening standard classified, 2 Derry Street, Kensington W85EE


450-1200 PW

we are one of the largest business publishers, in Europe and have limited vacancies for intelligent young people in our London advertisement sales office

Enquiries from German, Spanish and eastern European speakers especially welcome

Phone Andrew Warburton on 071-753-4300


For 9-month-old boy   Artist/Prof family Notting Hill

3 days per weekSome extra hours possibly required

Knowledge German/Hungarian advantage not must



Vacancy for self-confident person to look after booking for our Caribbean hotels

Salary based on applicant’s experience & suitability

Please send CV to:

Lan Taplin, MRILTD, 9 Galena Road, London, WGOLX

Or telephone 071-721-43642

1The reading materials above offer information most useful to a person who _____

Aworks for business companies                            Bspeaks several foreign languages

Cis just out of work                                     Druns a hotel or restaurant

2Most of the advertisements emphasize the importance of _____

Aknowledge           Btechniques            Cdiligence              Dexperience

3If you are a student studying in London and want a part-time job, you’d better telephone ____

A071-722-77333      B071-221-7375       C071-753-4300       D071-721-43642

4Which of the following does NOT agree with what is said in the above advertisements?

ATHE STARS is the name of a famous restaurant in London

BCV might refer to a brief self-introduction

CAndrew Warburton’s office prefers those who speak other European languages besides English

DThe secretary for the third advertisement must be energetic

知识点:阅读理解 单元测试

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