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Nowadays, video gaming has made impressive gains in the field of standardized competition. One of the fashionable debates is whether competitive video games are sports or not. If cyberathletes are competing against formal teams in a formal environment, with real titles and monetary stakes on the line, it seems strange not to consider the activity a sport. However, unless something technologically odd gains complete control over our world in the next few decades, they never should be. Cyberathletes and eSports aren’t incomparable to traditional athletes and sports because they require less physical exertion or dedication. They are incomparable because they are different from traditional sports in a number of ways.

Traditional sports are steadfast, and consistent in their structures and mechanics. A professional American football player from any past decade could be transplanted into a current football field, and would only have to be told of a few minor rule changes. The player would know what to do, where to go, and how to accomplish the ultimate goal. He may need to learn a few new plays, but it’s fundamentally the same game. However, competitive video gaming has a variety of goals, and those goals are fluid and dynamic. A competitive video gamer from decades past might be aware of the final goal (winning the game, capturing the flag, eliminating the opposing team, etc.), but the execution ( 执行方式 ) would be completely foreign . Controls change, maps change, locations change, even the minute rules are adjusted on a regular basis. As a competitive video gamer, one needs to adapt to a much more aggressive ruleset than most sports or other games. Therefore the video game competitions are less likely to be properly regulated.

Most traditional sports are approachable by Everyman, even the esoteric( 深奥的 ) ones, at least in an educational setting, where budgets and funding are set for them. While home computers are widely accessible, a large percentage of the gaming population is unable to participate in competitive gaming due to the high-standard computing requirements. Even decade-old competitive games like Counter-Strike 1.6 require more equipment and gear than most traditional sports. A pick-up game of basketball, football, or soccer is far more accessible than a pick-up game of Counter-Strike .

Traditional sports are embedded in our culture for good reasons: they offer an entertaining diversion and a great form of physical activity for millions of worldwide fans. The principles and lessons gleaned from traditional sports emphasize teamwork, collaboration, and critical evaluations of any given game setting. While many of these lessons are applicable to competitive gaming, competitive video gamers are still distancing themselves from competing for “sport” status, when their pastime and trade is so fundamentally different and ever-changing at such a regular pace.

1 What is the author’s opinion towards competitive video games?

A They can be seen as sports due to their emphasis on teamwork.

B They can be seen as sports due to their standardized regulations.

C They can not be seen as sports due to their lack of physical and mental efforts.

D They can not be seen as sports due to the inconsistent rules and high requirements.

2 What does the underlined word “foreign” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A Difficult. B Common. C Typical. D Different.

3 Why does the author mention Counter-Strike in Paragraph 3?

A To explain the reason why eSports surpass traditional sports.

B To explore the possibility that competitive video games will be sports.

C To provide an example of the difference between eSports and traditional sports.

D To account for the fact that the competitive features of video games are impressive.

4 How does the author develop his idea?

A By quoting and citing.

B By listing and analyzing.

C By comparison and contrast.

D By explaining and evaluating.

【收录时间】 2021-04-28
【知识点】 体育

1 D

2 D

3 C

4 C



1 .推理判断题。根据文章第二段 “As a competitive video gamer, one needs to adapt to a much more aggressive ruleset than most sports or other games. Therefore the video game competitions are less likely to be properly regulated. (作为一名有竞争力的电子游戏玩家,你需要适应比大多数运动或其他游戏更具侵略性的规则。因此,电子游戏竞赛不太可能得到适当的监管。) 以及第三段 “While home computers are widely accessible, a large percentage of the gaming population is unable to participate in competitive gaming due to the high-standard computing requirements. (虽然家用电脑随处可见,但由于对电脑的高标准要求,很大一部分游戏玩家无法参与竞争性游戏。) 可推断,作者认为竞争性电子游戏由于规则不一致,要求高,不能被视为运动。故选 D 项。

2 .词义猜测题。根据前文 “A professional American football player from any past decade could be transplanted into a current football field, and would only have to be told of a few minor rule changes. The player would know what to do, where to go, and how to accomplish the ultimate goal. He may need to learn a few new plays, but it’s fundamentally the same game. However, competitive video gaming has a variety of goals, and those goals are fluid and dynamic. (过去任何一个十年的职业美国橄榄球运动员都可以被迁移到现在的足球场上,而且只需要被告知一些小的规则变化。玩家将知道该做什么,去哪里以及如何完成最终目标。他可能需要学习一些新玩法,但游戏本质上是一样的。然而,竞争性电子游戏有各种各样的目标,而且这些目标是动态的。) 可知,电子竞技玩家操作对于传统的体育运动是不同的,所以 foreign 不同的 之意。故选 D 项。

3 .推理判断题。根据文章第三段 “Most traditional sports are approachable by Everyman, even the esoteric( 深奥的 ) ones, at least in an educational setting, where budgets and funding are set for them. While home computers are widely accessible, a large percentage of the gaming population is unable to participate in competitive gaming due to the high-standard computing requirements. (大多数传统体育项目,即使是那些晦涩难懂的项目,至少在有预算和资金支持的教育背景下,普通人都能接受。虽然家用电脑随处可见,但由于对电脑的高标准要求,很大一部分游戏玩家无法参与竞争性游戏。) 以及接下来以《反恐精英》举例即使是像《反恐精英 1.6 》这样有 10 年历史的竞技游戏也需要比大多数传统运动更多的装备。篮球、足球或足球的临时游戏比《反恐精英》的临时游戏更容易上手。因此推断作者在第三段中提到《反恐精英》是为了举例说明电子竞技和传统体育的区别。故选 C 项。

4 .推理判断题。根据文章第一段 “Cyberathletes and eSports aren’t incomparable to traditional athletes and sports because they require less physical exertion or dedication. They are incomparable because they are different from traditional sports in a number of ways. (电子竞技者和电子竞技与传统运动员和体育项目并不是不可比拟的,因为它们需要的体力和投入较少。它们是无可比拟的,因为它们与传统体育在很多方面不同。) ;第二段 “Traditional sports are steadfast, and consistent in their structures and mechanics. (传统的体育运动在结构和力学上是坚定的,一致的。) 以及第三段 “Most traditional sports are approachable by Everyman, even the esoteric( 深奥的 ) ones, at least in an educational setting, where budgets and funding are set for them. (大多数传统体育项目,即使是那些晦涩难懂的项目,至少在有预算和资金支持的教育背景下,普通人都能接受。) 可推断,作者通过比较和对比来论证他的观点。故选 C 项。

2021-04-28 阅读理解 中等 李卓
























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