
The effects of working while attending school or college

Youths working while in school or college seems like a tradition in many countries and the trend is growing. A recent study has found that 80% of students in some countries have at least a part time job during their study years.

Why do students look for employment? 1 Education costs are high, and college tuitions have grown considerably during the last few years. Moreover, parents also contribute less toward covering the education costs of their children, which means students must earn their own money while studying.

Having a job during school or college years affects the students’ personal and academic lives. First of all, employed students have less free time and, as a result, they can’t be around their family or friends as often as they would want. They lack sleep and are more stressed, and they may even develop health problems. Furthermore, student employment also impacts academic performance. A new research shows that students working more than 20 hours a week have lower grades than those who work less or not at all. 2

However, the benefits of student employment are also notable. It seems that employed students tend to be more engaged in academic activities than those who do not work, probably because they have developed a higher sense of responsibility.

3 Firstly, fresh graduates who already have work experience gained during their study years have better chances of landing a job. Employers usually prefer to hire a graduate with workplace experience, because they needn’t spend too much time and resources to train the new employee. Secondly, studies show that working learners are more likely to move into a managerial position soon after graduating. 4 As they try different jobs during their school years, they are more aware of their job preferences and target field, and thus far less confused than fresh graduates who have never worked.

To sum up, because of financial difficulties, many youths look for employment while attending school or college, and this can have positive or negative effects on their lives.

5 In this way, employed students can gain noteworthy advantages in terms of career path after they graduate.

A The main cause is financial pressure.

B Student employment has an effect on future careers as well.

C The government has increased funding for higher education.

D They state that the job limits the number of classes they can take.

E.Employed students know what type of work field would be best fit for them.

F.Finally, employed students develop a better appreciation of the career path to pursue.

G.So guidance should be given to help them keep a proper balance between study and work.


1 A

2 D

3 B

4 F

5 G



1 .根据前文 “Why do students look for employment? (学生为什么要找工作 ? 以及下文 “Education costs are high, and college tuitions have grown considerably during the last few years. (教育成本很高,大学学费在过去几年中大幅增长。) 可知,划线句讲的是学生找工作是迫于经济压力。 A 选项 “The main cause is financial pressure.” (主要原因是财政压力。)符合题意,故选 A 项。

2 .根据前文 “Having a job during school or college years affects the students’ personal and academic lives (在中学或大学期间有一份工作会影响学生的个人生活和学业。) 可知,本段是围绕工作影响学业来叙述的。 D 选项 “They state that the job limits the number of classes they can take.” (他们说这份工作限制了他们能上的课程数量。)符合题意,故选 D 项。

3 .根据前文 “Firstly, fresh graduates who already have work experience gained during their study years have better chances of landing a job. (首先,已经在学习期间获得了工作经验的应届毕业生有更好的机会找到工作。) 可知,本段是讲述学生在学习期间兼职对未来找工作的益处。 B 选项 “Student employment has an effect on future careers as well.” (学生就业对未来的职业生涯也有影响。)符合题意,故选 B 项。

4 .根据前文 “As they try different jobs during their school years, they are more aware of their job preferences and target field, and thus far less confused than fresh graduates who have never worked. (当他们在学校里尝试不同的工作时,他们更清楚自己的工作偏好和目标领域,因此远没有那些从未工作过的应届毕业生那么困惑。) 可知,在学校里找工作的学生能更清楚的认识自我职业道路。 F 选项 “Finally, employed students develop a better appreciation of the career path to pursue.” (最后,就业的学生对自己所追求的职业道路有了更好的认识。)符合题意,故选 F 项。

5 .根据前文 “To sum up, because of financial difficulties, many youths look for employment while attending school or college, and this can have positive or negative effects on their lives. (总之,由于经济困难,许多年轻人在上学或上大学的时候就找工作,这对他们的生活有积极的或消极的影响。) 以及下文 “In this way, employed students can gain noteworthy advantages in terms of career path after they graduate. (通过这种方式,就业的学生毕业后在职业道路方面可以获得明显的优势。) 可知,我们要协调好挣钱与学业之间的平衡。 G 选项 “So guidance should be given to help them keep a proper balance between study and work.” (所以应该给予指导,帮助他们在学习和工作之间保持适当的平衡。)符合题意,故选 G 项。


I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel’s books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional    41    and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so   42   to me and had such a big   43   on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to    44   my own Cancer experience?

I’m an ambitious    45   , and when I started going through chemo(化疗),even though I’m a very    46    person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the    47   . One day, while waiting to go in for    48   , I had one of Dr. Bernie’s books in hand. Another patient    49   what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me   50   he had one of his books with me as well. It   51   that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was   52   a published author, and he was currently   53   on a new book.

We would see each other at various times and   54   friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he was definitely a (n)   55   of Dr. Berline. He really put a    56   on my face. He unfortunately    57   last year due to his cancer,    58    he left a deep impression on me and gave me the    59    to pick up my pen again. I    60    to myself, “If he can do it, then so can I.”

41Aideas               Btastes                      Cnotes                      Dmemories

42Aamazing          Bshocking                 Camusing                 Dstrange

43Astrike              Bpush                       Cchallenge                Dimpact

44Alearn from       Bget through             Cgo over                  Drefer to

45Areader             Bwriter                     Ceditor                     Ddoctor

46Ahonest             Bagreeable                Chumorous               Dpositive

47Astate               Bposition                  Cmood                     Dway

48Aadvice             Breference                Cprotection               Dtreatment

49Aviewed            Bknew                      Cnoticed                   Dwondered

50Abecause           Bwhile                     Calthough                 Dproviding

51Acame out         Bturned out               Cproved out              Dworked out

52Anaturally         Bmerely                   Chopefully               Dactually

53Adeciding          Binvesting                Crelying                   Dworking

54Abecame           Bhelped                    Cmissed                   Dvisited

55Apatient            Boperator                 Cfan                        Dpublisher

56Asmile              Bsign                       Cmark                      Dmask

57Ashowed up       Bpassed away            Cfell down                Dset off

58Asince               Bbut                         Cso                          Dfor

59Aguidance         Btrust                       Copportunity            Dinspiration

60Apromised         Bswore                     Creplied                   Dthought


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