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Most young people are accustomed to having online profiles on their mobile devices, such as smart phones, pads, and laptops. These devices contain a significant amount of information about them and their friends and family, including contact numbers, photos and locations. Since they are exposed to cyber more frequently, young people need to be aware of cyber threats and have a good understanding of cybersecurity, the measures taken to protect systems, networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks.

Cybersecurity experts continually identify the use of strong, unique passwords as one of their top recommendations. However, because young people have been using passwords online for most of their lives, they might not have stopped to think about how unsafe their passwords actually are. Indeed, strong passphrases, passcodes or other features such as touch identification to lock their devices can help protect their information if their devices are lost or stolen.

Public wireless networks are widely used nowadays, however, they are not safe. which means that anyone could possibly see what you are doing on your laptop or smart phone while you are connected to them. Young people should limit what they do on public WiFi, and avoid logging in to personal accounts like email and E-pay. If needing a safer connection, they should consider using a virtual private network (VPN) or a personal mobile hotspot.

Finally, information on how to act online is important for the safety of young people. They should be taught that they should add “friends” on social media only if they know who he or she is. They should also be made aware that posting pictures of other people without their permission might get themselves into trouble.

Starting to use these methods and raising the certain awareness of cybersecurity at an early age can dramatically improve the security of a young person’s online life.

1 What is cybersecurity?

2 What is the possible danger of connecting to public wireless networks?

3 Read the following statement, underline the false part of it and explain the reason. Experts continually recommend young people to use passwords frequently because they lack security awareness.

4 Please briefly present what you can do to improve your cybersecurity. (about 40 words)

【收录时间】 2021-04-28
【知识点】 其他

1 Cybersecurity is the measures taken to protect systems, networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks. / The measures taken to protect systems, networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks. / The measures taken to protect your personal information online.

2 Anyone could possibly see what you are doing on your laptop or smart phone. / What you are doing on your mobile devices will be exposed to other people. / Their personal information may leak out (be unsafe).

3 Experts continually recommend young people to use passwords frequently because they lack security awareness. In spite of frequent use of passwords online, young people may not be aware of how unsafe their passwords actually are. So experts continually recommend them to use strong, unique passwords.

4 Firstly, I will design strong passwords to unlock my mobile phone. Also, when in public places, I choose to use my mobile hotspot rather than public WiFi. Besides, if strangers ask me to add “friends” on WeChat, I tend to refuse. (43 words)



1 .考查细节理解。根据文章第一段 “Since they are exposed to cyber more frequently, young people need to be aware of cyber threats and have a good understanding of cybersecurity, the measures taken to protect systems, networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks.( 由于他们更频繁地接触网络,年轻人需要意识到网络威胁,并充分了解网络安全,即为保护系统、网络、设备和程序免受数字攻击而采取的措施 )” 可知,网络安全是为保护系统、网络、设备和程序免受数字攻击而采取的措施。故答案为 Cybersecurity is the measures taken to protect systems, networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks. / The measures taken to protect systems, networks, devices, and programs from digital attacks. / The measures taken to protect your personal information online.

2 .考查细节理解。根据文章第三段 “Public wireless networks are widely used nowadays, however, they are not safe. which means that anyone could possibly see what you are doing on your laptop or smart phone while you are connected to them.( 现在公共无线网络应用广泛,但并不安全。这意味着当你是连接公共无线网络时,任何人都可能看到你在笔记本电脑或智能手机上做什么 )” 可知,连接到公共无线网络可能存在的危险是任何人都可能看到你在笔记本电脑或智能手机上做什么。故答案为 Anyone could possibly see what you are doing on your laptop or smart phone. / What you are doing on your mobile devices will be exposed to other people. / Their personal information may leak out (be unsafe).

3 .考查推理判断。所给陈述 “Experts continually recommend young people to use passwords frequently because they lack security awareness.” 意为 专家不断建议年轻人频繁使用密码,因为他们缺乏安全意识。 根据文章第二段 “Cybersecurity experts continually identify the use of strong, unique passwords as one of their top recommendations. However, because young people have been using passwords online for most of their lives, they might not have stopped to think about how unsafe their passwords actually are.( 网络安全专家不断将使用强大、独特的密码作为他们的首要建议之一。然而,由于年轻人大部分时间都在网上使用密码,他们可能不会停下来思考自己的密码到底有多不安全 )” 可知,专家并不是不断建议年轻人频繁使用密码,而是不断建议他们使用强大、独特的密码,因为尽管经常在网上使用密码,年轻人可能没有意识到他们的密码实际上有多不安全。由此可知,所给陈述的 “Experts continually recommend young people to use passwords frequently” 部分是错误的,因为尽管经常在网上使用密码,年轻人可能没有意识到他们的密码实际上有多不安全。故答案为 Experts continually recommend young people to use passwords frequently because they lack security awareness. In spite of frequent use of passwords online, young people may not be aware of how unsafe their passwords actually are. So experts continually recommend them to use strong, unique passwords.

4 .开放题。题目让我们简要介绍你可以做些什么来提高你的网络安全。本题属于开放性试题,根据自己的理解,言之有理,符合文章内容即可。根据文章第二段关键句 “Indeed, strong passphrases, passcodes or other features such as touch identification to lock their devices can help protect their information if their devices are lost or stolen.( 事实上,如果他们的设备丢失或被盗,强大的通行码、密码或其他功能,如用于锁定设备的触摸识别,可以帮助保护他们的信息 )” 可知,我们可以通过设计强大的密码来解锁我的设备,在设备丢失或被盗时可以帮助保护我们的信息;根据文章第三段关键句 “Young people should limit what they do on public Wi Fi, and avoid logging in to personal accounts like email and E-pay. If needing a safer connection, they should consider using a virtual private network (VPN) or a personal mobile hotspot.( 年轻人应该限制他们在公共 Wi Fi 上的行为,避免登录电子邮件和 E-pay 等个人账户。如果需要更安全的连接,他们应该考虑使用虚拟专用网 (VPN) 或个人移动热点 )” 可知,为了提高网络安全,在公共场所,我们选择使用虚拟专用网或移动热点,而不是公共 Wi Fi ;根据文章倒数第二段关键句 “They should be taught that they should add “friends” on social media only if they know who he or she is. They should also be made aware that posting pictures of other people without their permission might get themselves into trouble.( 应该教导他们,只有知道对方是谁,才能在社交媒体上添加 朋友 。他们还应该意识到,未经允许张贴他人照片可能会给自己带来麻烦 )” 可知,如果陌生人要在社交媒体上加我们为 朋友 ,我们应该拒绝。故答案为 Firstly, I will design strong passwords to unlock my mobile phone. Also, when in public places, I choose to use my mobile hotspot rather than public Wi Fi. Besides, if strangers ask me to add “friends” on We Chat, I tend to refuse. (43 words)

2021-04-28 未分类 中等 李卓
























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